Montana Air DHC3 Turbine Otter

This is a repaint of the Eugene Heyart model of the Texas Turbines conversion of the Turbine Otter. Eugene's original readme is included with this archive, however, this version does not contain the "loaded" model of the original.

With this file, you will recieve the Montana Air livery repaint of the Turbine Otter, a repainted "woodgrain" panel, with updated instruments, and a FS2004 weight and balance section so that you can load the aircraft via the W&B utility within the sim.

All credit for the model, panel design (other than me do a quick repaint of the panel and changing the names of some gauges) goes to Eugene and the others listed in his original readme.

Montana Air logos are copywrite Fred Choate.


I have configured the W&B as accurately as I could based on no real documentation, and based on what Eugene had done with the model. Although there is no model in this archive depicting the "loaded" version with the canoes, you can use the wieght and balance section from the aircraft.cfg from this archive to place in your other turbine otters that do have the canoes. To add the canoes to the weight and balance of this version (this will only add wieght and not visuals), copy and paste the following two lines into the wieght and balance section of the aircraft.cfg:

station_load.13="100, 2.10, 7.12, -4.60, Canoe"
station_load.14="100, 2.1, -7.12, -4.6, Canoe"


Unzip into your FS2004 directory, and all files will go to the proper destinations....


Fred Choate
Montana Air